Member Emily Reichard Participates in Regulatory Roundup with NATM

Every year the National Association of Trailer Manufacturers meet in the Nation's Capital to discuss policy, safety and advocate to our congressmen and women the importance of trailer safety in the United States as part of its Regulatory Roundup. 

This year NATM focused on thanking those that signed the FAST Act,  which contained a very important provision for tandem trailer operations. This permits tandem trailer deliveries, making business across state lines easier for manufacturers, while still being in compliance with all state and federal regulations. 

Kinetic Metrics just celebrated its first year of membership with NATM and member Emily Reichard was excited to participate in her first Regulatory Roundup. She looks forward to attending this annual event for years to come as Kinetic Metrics continues to support safety and compliance in the industry.   

Member Emily Reichard with Allison Malmstrom (NATM), Rep. David Young and Jake Morrison (H&H Trailers)

Member Emily Reichard with Allison Malmstrom (NATM), Rep. David Young and Jake Morrison (H&H Trailers)

Mark Swanson Named to GM Oversight Team

WASHINGTON – Mark Swanson, member of the automotive and transportation data analysis firm Kinetic Metrics, has been named to the team led by former federal prosecutor Bart M. Schwartz that will oversee General Motors Co. for the next three years. With experience in both safety defects investigations and defect assessments at the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), Kinetic Metrics founding partner Mark Swanson will provide support and expertise in the review and assessment of GM’s current policies, practices and procedures.

A few updates from Kinetic Metrics

NATM Membership

We are pleased to announce that we are officially members of the National Association of Trailer Manufacturers. We look forward to this new membership and all the benefits it has to offer. More to come on this soon…

Chrysler Receives Record Fine

If you have not been keeping track of the news lately, you may have missed that the NHTSA issued a record-setting $105 million penalty to Fiat Chrysler Automobiles.  This stemmed from recall issues which have been puzzling the entire auto industry.

Know who can help solve this puzzle? Kinetic Metrics! Contact us today to discuss our auditing process. 

A Brief Overview of TREAD and How We Can Help

It has been a busy couple of weeks getting things off the ground here at Kinetic Metrics. The automotive world is a big place and reaching out to all of you has been quite the task. We wanted to take a moment to dig a little deeper into The TREAD Act and give more information on exactly what we can provide.

The Transportation Recall Enhancement, Accountability and Documentation (TREAD) Act was enacted in the fall of 2000. Its intention is to increase consumer safety through mandates assigned to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA).

Two major components of the TREAD Act are 1) the requirement of manufacturers to report to NHTSA when they conduct a safety recall or other safety-related campaign, and 2) the need to report information related to defects, especially in cases of injury or death related to the use of products (also referred to as “early warning reporting”(EWR)).

There are many definitions, exceptions and interpretations found in the final rule for this regulation. Requirements for manufacturers may differ depending on what type and how much of a product they produce in a calendar year. The following is a high level interpretation on what may be required of a manufacturer.

All notices, bulletins, customer satisfaction campaigns, consumer advisories, and other communications must be submitted, regardless of the number of vehicles produced. In the automotive world, these are typically referred to as Technical Service Bulletins (TSBs). So whether you produce one product, or one thousand, if a TSB is created it must also be submitted to the NHTSA.

All manufacturers must submit quarterly reports with regard to the following two categories:

1)      Deaths
2)      Injuries

Depending on the vehicle category (e.g., light vehicle, medium-heavy duty, bus, trailer, etc.) and production numbers, manufacturers may need to submit quarterly reports with regard to the following categories as well:

1)      Production counts 
2)      Property damage
3)      Consumer complaints
4)      Warranty claims
5)      Field reports

Manufacturers collect a large amount of information regarding their products, so determining what is required for reporting can prove to be a daunting task. Here at Kinetic Metrics we take the guesswork out of reporting because our staff understands what is required. We have an extensive knowledge base of the laws and regulations from our previous NHTSA work experiences. Therefore our services include assessing a company’s current reporting process and providing useful feedback on how they can become more efficient and organized in reporting safety-related defects. Kinetic Metrics can save your company the time and effort needed to report this information by also doing it for you on a quarterly basis.

So why wait? Contact us today to start the discussion.