Summer Series: A Closer Look at Services We Offer

Part 4: Safety Investigations

Companies strive to develop safe, reliable products for their customers. As former NHTSA defect investigators, we know that imperfections can still occur in the design, manufacture or assembly of a product.  Here at KM we do not view defects as failures, but instead as an opportunity for a company to learn and grow.

What We Can Do

Conduct a Safety Investigation: For companies that have already identified a potential defect in their products, we can apply our investigative experience to research and analyze the failure. This reverse engineering process can allow us to determine the who, what, when, where and why of a product defect. Once we determine what went wrong, we can also work with clients to ensure that this pattern is not repeated. 

Consult on Potential Issues: Unsure if a product recall is warranted? We can assist in analyzing a problem and recommending the best path forward.  

Who Can Benefit?

Any company who designs and manufactures products for the general public.

Looking to be more proactive? If you have not already heard of TRIP, check out our new tool today! We can help you identify issues early so you can minimize the overall impact on your bottom line.